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Lets Go Together! Studio Crawls June 11

Are you new to the Bay Area? Planning on attending the Crawls tonight alone? Or just looking to meet new people and see a friendly face in the crowd of participants tonight? Let’s go together!

We will have group leaders posted at the entrance of a few of our Crawls tonight. They’ll take you under their wing, introduce you to other attendees, and kick off the crawl with you together.

This event is produced by DesignBayArea, the org behind San Francisco Design Week! Make sure you download our App and post photos to win a Limited Edition tee!

Group Leaders June 11:

Group 2: Jonny Black

Meet Jonny at 5pm in front of GDP Studio: 560 Pacific Ave

Jonny Black is a designer and the Founder of The Office of Ordinary Things. TOOOT is a San Francisco design studio focused on people and planet. Strategy, branding, packaging, web design, and website development.

Tonight, Jonny will start at GDP Studio before heading to Swissnex and then Multistudio

Group 2: Rachel Gogel

Meet Rachel at 5pm in front of GDP Studio: 560 Pacific Ave

Rachel Gogel is a Fractional Design Executive, Independent Creative Director & Designer, Adjunct Professor @ CCA, Creative Leader @ Neol, former AIGA SF Board Member and WILD Chair, Forbes 30U30 Lister 2015, ex Airbnb, Meta, NYTimes, GQ

Rachel will be at GDP Studio tonight

Group 3: Dawn Zidonis

Meet Dawn at 5pm in front of Rose Design Studio: 11728 Union Street

Dawn is the Co-founder and CEO of DesignBayArea (which produces San Francisco Design Week) and is the Co-founder of World Design Weeks.

Tonight, Dawn will start at Rose Design before heading to Swissnex and then PeopleSpace

Group 4: Grace Ling

Meet Grace at 5pm in front of Walker Werner: 353 Folsom Street

Grace Ling is the Founder of Design Buddies, a speaker & content creator, designer and world traveler.

Tonight, Grace will start at Walker Werner before heading to PeopleSpace and then GDP Studio

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