Partner to Decide


Partner to Decide

Blink UX

For many women, pregnancy is a very special time in their lives. Every pregnant is different and so are the experiences of a mother during this journey. The pregnancy experience can be fraught with overwhelming decisions and confusing provider interactions. Research shows that pregnant people of color, those who are publicly insured, and those with lower levels of education are less likely to be given the information they need to make an informed decision about labor induction.

Many women experience pressure to induce pregnancy. In some cases, labor induction is necessary to avoid risk factors, but in healthy pregnancies, labor induction is, or should be, a choice.

Partner to Decide is a nonprofit working to ensure that all people have information and agency to make decisions for their prenatal, postnatal, and maternal care. They create evidence-based and equity-centered decision-aid pamphlets to minimize the impact of bias in care and increase equity in access to shared decision-making.

“I felt like I was on a conveyor belt of prenatal care. Receiving this tool and talking about it with my provider was awesome!” —Blink research participant

Partner to Decide came to Blink UX to transform its decision-aid pamphlet into a comprehensive desktop and mobile experience, allowing patients — particularly BIPOC patients — to make evidence-based, values-aligned decisions about their labor induction.

Through in-depth research with users, Blink designed a new set of desktop and mobile tools that simplify medical information, display comparable options for labor decisions, and provide space for users to self-reflect as they prepare for check-ins with providers.

These evidence-based tools are helping to equalize access to shared decision-making, resulting in lower elective induction rates, epidural anesthesia, and cesarean sections.

“If I had something like this, I feel like I would’ve been more comfortable and well-prepared.” — Blink research participant on having access to a decision aid during pregnancy

This new online experience will help Partner to Decide fulfill its mission to empower pregnant people to use their voices to advocate for preferences in maternity care. This resource is being rolled out in partnership with hospitals in the Boston area, with hopes of expanding across the country.

We created these new online tools using our evidence-driven design process, which began with understanding the needs, motivations, and experiences of people who would use the tools.

Then, based on our research insights, we created a set of experience pillars to drive our design strategy:

Thorough and unbiased

The new tools should provide in-depth information, and all options for labor should be presented equally.

Varied yet convenient

Information should be communicated in various formats yet be straightforward and easily digestible.

Empowering and personalized

Pregnancy is an incredibly personal experience, so the user’s choice should be emphasized.

Neutral yet relatable

Relatable personal experiences are valuable, but neutral over reassuring language is preferred.

“I would like the information to be delivered as truthful and as real as possible. Don’t just tell me it’ll be okay. Just deliver the information.” —Blink research participant on neutral language

After preliminary research, we created a transformative brand and color story to align Partner to Decide’s values with a visual presentation. With a visual design framework established, we gave the branding and UX design work a clear voice and cohesive vision. Finally, concept testing helped us hone in on signature experiences, which are the specific experience features that bring experience pillars to life:

My Choices

A simple, side-by-side comparison of the three labor choices that helps users understand the similarities and differences between labor options.

My Values

An interactive activity that helps users better understand and align their choices with what matters most to them.

Advance Notes

A tool that lets users capture notes, insights, questions, and self-reflection along the way — a core differentiator from other pregnancy informational sites.

My Stuff

A one-stop hub for user notes, checklists, and summaries that allows users to easily start conversations with their providers.

In early testing, we saw overwhelmingly positive reactions to the new Partner to Design tools, and participants felt the visual direction was “welcoming,” “calming,” and ‘trustworthy.”

“When we heard what the participants were saying, that says it all. … This is going to change some people’s lives, and that is just wonderful.” —Craig, Partner to Decide

“Blown away, this is so exciting, and all of it inspires me to keep going; it fans my flames. It is so beautiful, and there is nothing like this.” —Ann Peralta, Founder, Partner to Decide

Along with the new website and mobile app for Partner to Decide, we created a brand guide with a new logo, and a new paper-based decision aid for pregnant people to learn about induction and make informed, value-based choices throughout pregnancy.

“I was thrilled with my experience with Blink UX; they took our paper-based decision aid for induction of labor and transformed it into a beautiful, user-centered, interactive, web-based tool. … I would highly recommend the summer pro bono program to other non-profit leaders who have UX and branding work to do. The products I walked away with were fabulous!”

—Ann Peralta, Founder, Partner to Decide

Key Team Members

Megan Greco, Principal Designer, Blink UX
Sylvain Durst, Principal Researcher, Blink UX
Jill Hannay, UX/Visual Designer, Blink UX
Ben Shown, Head of Design, Blink UX
Kate Pollasch, Project Manager, Blink UX
Lillian Murphy, Visual Communication Designer, Blink UX
Katie Xu, Sunny Cheng