A major part of Design Week is the Design Hub, at Pier 27 which houses a broad range of activities including talks, installations, and exhibitions. The Design Hub will be open from June 14th–15th. Question everything, engage, and interact with design products from leading brands and independent makers as you enjoy panoramic views of the San Francisco Bay before dispersing across the city for the week long series of events.
See Design Hub events below
SF Design Week Opening Night Reception
JUNE 14TH • 6:30–9:30PM • PIER 27
The Design Hub kicks off with the SF Design Week Opening Night party on June 14th, 2017 with a musical performance by the extraordinary ‘Butterscotch‘, augmented reality mural from Heavy Projects, an interactive entrance from LOCZI design, Casa Castiglioni (Milan, Italy) and more.
We are excited to announce the launch of Airbnb’s new installation Shadow to Light. Enter a world of striking contrasts and curiosities. Explore what is hidden in the darkness — and what is revealed in its absence. What stands out to you? What recedes? Be our guest, explore how your relationship to a space changes with context.
Additional Exhibitors include: Stubhub, Groupon, Packlane, Kolay Flooring, Galanter & Jones, Crave, Ponga, Fireroad, AIGA Interactive Team, SJSU and CCA.
Food and drinks will be available for purchase from Off the Grid.
Design Hub Workshops, Panels and Talks
JUNE 15TH • 9:00AM–4:00PM • PIER 27
On Thursday, June 15th from 9:00am–4:00pm, the Design Hub will transform into a space for forward-thinking presentations, unique workshops, exhibitions and design installations. Coffee and food will be available for purchase throughout the day from Off the Grid food trucks.
The exhibition space will be FREE and open to the public on Thursday, June 15th from 9:00am–4:00pm.
Events below require separate ticketing.

Designing Rituals to Nudge a Culture of Creativity: Suzanne Gibbs Howard, Dean of IDEO U
9:00AM–11:00AM (SOLD OUT)
Leading through culture is about setting new norms that support creative work. To influence culture, you need to tune into beliefs and behaviors in your organization, and design rituals to help nudge culture in more creative directions. In this workshop, you will identify beliefs and behaviors that foster and stifle creativity in your organization, as well as design a ritual to amplify collaboration with others.

Panel: Design Innovation for Virtual and Augmented Reality – by Presence
Presence is leading the way in designing in a new medium: immersive reality. Business and social sector leaders will discuss how immersive reality has transcended the world of video-games to create new real-world possibilities for people and organizations. Join us as trailblazers from Unity, Mindshow, Heavy Projects, and Atheer show and discuss their pioneering work in the field.
Panel: Innovative Branding and Design for The Next Generation of Cannabis Retail
Moderated by Christopher Simmons (Principal & Creative Director of MINE™). Panel participants: Marty Higgins (Founder and CEO of Harvest Dispensary), Tina Hardison (Founder and Designer at From the Desk of), Derek McCarty (CMO of hmbldt) and Cynthia Erland (Founder of ErlandCreative, former SVP marketing for American Apparel).

The Roles of Art and Technology in Shaping our Environment
Moderated by Alisa Carroll, Editor in Chief of San Francisco Cottages & Gardens
Tasked with the honor of creating the entrance experience for this year’s Opening Reception, LOCZIdesign joined forces with Heavy Projects, CULT Exhibitions Aimee Friberg and artists Rhonda Holberton and Can Buyukberber to create a layered experience, tempting the senses through sight and sound and engaging the mind as we question what we’re seeing, and through what lens?

Design for X: Bridging the Gap Between Designers and Social Ventures
Design for X, a newly founded nonprofit dedicated to harnessing the power of design to foster social good, will lead a workshop to identify ways and means for designers to actively support social ventures and make a meaningful difference.

Story Boarding with Mark Andrews, Director at Pixar Animation Studios
1:00PM–2:00PM (SOLD OUT)
In this lecture, Mark Andrews will show examples of storyboards from various films he has worked on throughout his career; moments that have not made it into the final films but were instrumental in “finding” those memorable moments. He will also show moments from films he has storyboarded and break down the thought process that went into choosing the images, composition and order to help build a visual narrative.

“Expressive Introverts” Lecture
The words “expressive” and “introvert” aren’t commonly paired together in people’s minds. In fact, they often don’t even often show up in the same sentence. “Expressive” is stereotypically associated with extroverts and stylistically associated with an animated, emotionally compelling style of communication. If we take the stereotype even further, most people think introverts are good at writing and extroverts are good at speaking. “Expressive introverts” is almost an oxymoron.
How Diversity & Inclusion Will Impact the Future of Design
Designing for the outliers ensures everyone is included. Ryan Ringholz, Founder & Chief Designer, PLAE will share how the process of inclusive design informs the future, and why PLAE designs intentionally gender-neutral, customizable products that encourage creativity and expression.

Lighting Talk: Facebook: Miki Setlur
Miki is a mobile Product Designer focused on measurable social impact through fun and engaging experiences. He currently serves as a Senior Product Designer at Facebook’s internet.org using design to bring the benefits of connectivity to the portion of the world that doesn‘t have them. Previously at Facebook he led efforts to increase civic engagement and help people be better connected citizens. Before Facebook, Miki was at Twitter working on foundational design frameworks and high growth initiatives in emerging markets and at Evernote leading the design of Evernote for Android. Miki sits on the board of AIGA’s SF Chapter where he runs an educational series on Designing Products.

Why I Design for Uber
All we know is what we hear in the press. Behind the scenes, there is an amazingly talented group of designers striving for excellence: working to innovate and create better products. With this years theme Question Everything front and center, this conversation is even more important to have. Please join us as we chat with the Design Team for a riveting panel about life at Uber and have the opportunity to join the conversation and ask questions.

Lighting Talk: How the Bay Area Became the World Capital of Design
Thirty years ago the Bay Area was not on anyone’s map of design capitals; that honor went to Milan (furniture), Paris (fashion), New York (graphics), Tokyo (electronics), and a few others. In this lightning talk we’ll review the astonishing story of how the San Francisco Bay Area became home to perhaps the greatest concentration of design professionals in the world.

Scaling the Digital Payment Experience
Scaling the Digital Payment Experience is an enormous task. Where do you start? How can your organization evolve to make a better product? At VISA, we focus and prioritize our efforts on the value add. By understanding the users wants and needs, we can allow them to better manage and protect their financial life.

Airbnb Design — Talks: News From a World You Don’t Know
What can design learn from journalism? The impact of bias in both industries can have a damaging effect on communities. Whether it’s misinformed public outcry caused by fake news or biased algorithms and exclusive platforms, our personal lenses influence the way we see the world and affect the solutions we design and the stories we share. This leads us to ask, “How can we solve problems for communities we don’t fundamentally understand?”

Crave Build-A-Vibe Workshop
Every 30 minutes
Crave, manufacturer of luxury sex toys, will be offering the popular Build-A-Vibe workshop at The Hub. Crave embraces modern design and manufacturing to create sustainable and beautiful products that empower more open conversations around sex. Build-A-Vibe workshop offers hands-on insight into both hardware and manufacturing processes as you assemble your own Duet vibrator. Participants will make their very own Duet vibrator (retails at $149) to take home for $95 (covers 1 to 2 people plus one vibe). Total time is 30 mins.