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Honorable Mention: Wildcard

Charity: Water’s annual fundraising gala was leaving its home in NYC and wanted to arrive on the West Coast with a bang. After a bit of brainstorming with Trademark and

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Honorable Mention: FinTech

For most small businesses, providing a payment option like Square Installments to their customers has not been possible. Existing offerings have prohibitive minimum sales requirements and getting set up is

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Honorable Mention: Communication Design

Over 200,000 veterans return to civilian life every year but end up underrepresented in the workplace. In 2018, Salesforce set a vision to train 35,000 veterans with Salesforce skills with

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Virtual Tech

NEOFECT’s Smart Board for Home NextGen is shifting the way patients rehabilitate. The solution helps patients recovering from stroke and other musculoskeletal injuries stay motivated by playing fun, interactive games

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Travel & Hospitality

BMW Xplore is a holistic mobility service design project that has hardware, software and service components and was in collaboration with Umea Institute of Design in Sweden and BMW Group

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Interior Design: Residential

In an increasingly driven societal atmosphere centered on devices, our design approach was rooted in gathering spaces. Areas where you can share close conversations with friends or loved ones, toast

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You’ve just taken a bold leap and decided to start a business. Square wants to celebrate that risk – while putting you in a better cash flow position to grow