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Sweet July

Situated in uptown Oakland, Ayesha Curry’s Sweet July is a lifestyle and home goods store, cafe, and event space for the community. Received as an empty shell, the large open

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Eat-Work Table

When COVID hit and offices around the world closed, people suddenly needed to create workspaces at home. While some were lucky enough to have their own desk or even office,

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Honorable Mention: Ammunition X Gantri

Designed by Ammunition and made possible by Gantri’s radical approach to manufacturing, three new collections of lighting are now available for people seeking a better approach to design, craft and

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My Lung Health

339M people suffer from asthma globally according to the WHO. Surprisingly, asthma monitoring is currently limited to patient symptom reporting & clinical observations. My Lung Health is a research study

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My Heart Lab

AFib is an irregular heart rhythm typically affecting people 65+ that can lead to serious complications. The CDC estimates that 12M people in the US alone will have AFib by

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Pilot Accounting

Pilot launched to bring the back office into the modern era. With a special blend of custom software and experts, Pilot delivers accurate, consistent bookkeeping, tax preparation, and forecasts that

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Accessible Colors for Data Visualization

Cisco believes in accessibility for all and strives to create the best possible experiences for everyone. Our Webex Control Hub and other administrator-based products show a lot of information through

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The Zip rebrand was designed by Yu Rong, a Design Lead at CōLab. Yu and the CōLab team created the Zip brand from the ground up including naming, brand strategy,