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BREEZ(Asthma inhaler with chamber)

For this project, I designed an Asthma inhaler with the elderly as the target group; the overall design was complete and the preliminary research was extensive. The overall design is

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The Biosphere Cellulose Kitchen presents how the production of bacterial cellulose, as a replacement for single-use plastic, can be integrated into our everyday routines. This cellulose kitchen is a kitchen

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A Maker’s Approach to DEIB

Explore CCA’s new web page on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB)—a showcase of our community’s commitment to impact and action. Collaborating with the Vice President of DEIB and change-makers

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The Unlikely Eichler

Even in Palo Alto—the city where the highest number of Eichlers in the US are located—this project stands out. It was custom-commissioned by John S. Lynd (an architect and personal

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Applied Training Solutions

The realities of climate change are becoming increasingly apparent. With once-in-a-decade weather phenomena now happening almost yearly, how can we stay prepared for the next disaster? How can we train

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Chapter 510

Chapter 510 is “a magicked-up safe & creative space” where every young person in Oakland can learn to write with confidence and joy. 1 in 3 Oakland students report chronic

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YouTube Brand Standards

In an age where engagement with an image or a story spans all of 12 seconds, we find it incredibly important to translate the journeys of brands across their digital

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Mohawk Paper with a Plan

Mohawk’s “Paper with a Plan” collection is a contemplation of craft, making, and its intersection with the lives of the creative community. It is dedicated to the elevation of the